The Killing Dance

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

With a price on her head and professional hitmen on her trail, Anita Blake, vampire killer, zombie reanimator and expert on the supernatural, receives unexpected assistance from an alpha werewolf and a master vampire. Reissue.

Booko found 14 book editions

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Jan, 2010

Jan, 2010

Jun, 1997

Feb, 2010
New: $12.99

United Kingdom Jan, 2010
New: $22.67

Used: $16.53
Jan, 2010
New: $222.27

Jan, 2010

Used: $257.93
Apr, 2006
New: $139.88

Used: $46.94
Sep, 2002
New: $21.37

Used: $17.99
Nov, 2000
New: $40.06

Used: $15.31
Jun, 1997
New: $118.99

Used: $11.52

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