Someplace to Be Flying


Searching for a half-animal, half-human race that is believed to haunt the city's most troubled urban areas, photojournalist Lily inadvertently teams up with downtown resident Hank and finds herself enmeshed in a brutal turf war in which nothing is as it appears. By the World Fantasy Award-winning author of The Onion Girl. Reprint. 17,500 first printing.

Booko found 10 book editions

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Jun, 2021
New: $101.74

Jun, 2021
New: $53.60

Oct, 2013
New: $10.27

Oct, 1999

Mar, 1999

Used: $14.56
Jun, 2021

Aug, 2005
New: $40.93

Used: $23.03
Mar, 1999
New: $92.64

Used: $23.87
Dec, 1998
New: $104.51

Used: $28.66
Mar, 1998
New: $202.41

Used: $37.05

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