The Queen of Attolia

The Queen's Thief #2

When his small mountains country goes to war with the powerful nation of Attolia, Eugenides the thief is faced with his greatest challenge. He must steal a man, he must steal a queen, and he must steal peace. But his greatest triumph-as well as his greatest loss-can only come if he succeeds in capturing something the Queen of Attolia may have sacrificed long ago.

Booko found 19 book editions

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May, 2017
New: $93.83

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May, 2017
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Used: $215.69
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Used: $21.95
Oct, 2009
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Used: $13.85
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Oct, 2001
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Used: $23.00
Apr, 2000
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Used: $29.45
United States Jan, 2000
New: $159.48

Used: $24.29

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