Sauron Defeated

The History of Middle Earth #9

In this volume Christopher Tolkein completes his account of the writing of The Lord of the Rings, beginning with Sam's rescue of Frodo from the Tower of Cirith Ungol and ending with an unpublished Epilogue in which years after the tale ends, Sam attempts to answer his children's questions. The book also includes The Notion Club Papers, a semi-fictional discussion between a group of Oxford Dons of the possibilities of travel in space and time and the legend of Atlantis. The third part of the book is devoted to a new version of the Numenorean legend - The Drowning of Anadune.

Booko found 9 book editions

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Jul, 2021
New: $12.99

Mar, 2010

United Kingdom Aug, 1995
New: $26.43

Used: $13.96
Oct, 1992
New: $278.46

Used: $87.29
Jan, 1992

Used: $524.75
Jul, 2002

Used: $408.38

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