Playing With Fire

Skulduggery Pleasant #2

Meet Skulduggery Pleasant

Ace Detective
Snappy Dresser
Razor–tongued Wit
Crackerjack Sorcerer
Walking, Talking,
Fire-throwing Skeleton

—as well as ally, protector, and mentor of Stephanie Edgley, a very unusual and darkly talented twelve-year-old.

These two alone must defeat an all-consuming ancient evil.

The end of the world?

Over his dead body.

Booko found 29 book editions

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Feb, 2011

Sep, 2008

May, 2018

May, 2018

May, 2018

Feb, 2018
New: $22.99

Used: $22.02
United Kingdom Aug, 2012

United States May, 2010

Used: $110.58
Aug, 2009

Aug, 2009
New: $57.87

Used: $22.86
Feb, 2009
New: $14.99

Sep, 2008

Sep, 2008

United Kingdom Aug, 2008
New: $17.75

Used: $12.51
Aug, 2008

May, 2008
New: $120.89

Used: $27.26
May, 2008

Used: $35.15
Apr, 2008

Apr, 2008

Apr, 2008
New: $26.68

Apr, 2008

Used: $17.03
United Kingdom Apr, 2008

Used: $27.80
Apr, 2008

Apr, 2008

Used: $15.00
United Kingdom Apr, 2008
New: $215.64

Used: $20.03
Apr, 2008
New: $26.99

Oct, 2008
New: $60.18

Used: $29.06

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Playing With Fire.