The Outsider

In his classic existentialist novel Camus explores the predicament of the individual who is prepared to face the benign indifference of the universe courageously and alone. Meursault leads an apparently unremarkable bachelor life in Algiers until he commits an act of violence. His response to the incident challenges the fundamental values of society, a set of rules so binding that any person breaking...

Booko found 30 book editions

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Jun, 2022
New: $29.40

Used: $36.04
Sep, 2020
New: $21.44

Used: $40.12
Oct, 2013
New: $16.99

Used: $15.36
Oct, 2013
New: $15.99

Sep, 2012
New: $440.65

Used: $80.53
United Kingdom Jul, 2010
New: $17.73

Used: $26.71
Jan, 2010
New: $14.47

Used: $11.00
Nov, 2006
New: $154.21

May, 2005
New: $117.01

Used: $88.85
May, 2001

United Kingdom Feb, 2000
New: $28.00

Used: $11.21
Mar, 1999
New: $23.59

Used: $14.51
Feb, 1999
New: $227.40

Used: $10.99
United Kingdom Nov, 1998
New: $31.14

Used: $24.59
United States Feb, 1993
New: $35.84

Used: $26.05
Dec, 1992
New: $50.03

Used: $15.31
United States Mar, 1989
New: $20.99

Used: $20.21
Mar, 1989
New: $60.44

Used: $35.93
Mar, 1989
New: $72.99

Used: $33.50
Mar, 1988
New: $144.88

Used: $35.92
May, 1983
New: $190.90

Used: $15.15
Apr, 1982

Used: $21.23
United States Sep, 1954
New: $62.64

Used: $19.64

Jul, 2003

Used: $26.80
Dec, 1972

Used: $76.04
Jan, 2010
New: $105.07

United States Jan, 2000

Used: $65.70

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