The Return of Tarzan


John Carter returns to the red planet ten years after his Martian death in search of his wife, Princess Dejah Thoris. He joins forces with his old comrades and forms new lifetime alliances as he battles hostile enemies, previously unknown to his people of Barsoom. His adventures reveal the truth about the Gods of Mars. This is the second of eleven in the popular 'Martian'series by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Booko found 92 book editions and 1 video edition

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Feb, 2021

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Sep, 2020

Mar, 2020

Jan, 2020

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Jun, 2018

Mar, 2018

Dec, 2017

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Apr, 2017

Apr, 2017

Feb, 2017

Dec, 2016

Nov, 2016

Oct, 2016

Sep, 2003

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