
This is an account of Mohammad's life and is also the study of the impact of an ideology upon a society. Seventh century Arabia, although fragmented and in many respects primitive, was moving towards a settled economy. The ideology of Islam - calling for submission to the will of God - moulded this nation into unity and into a conquering force which, within a hundred years of Mohammad's death, subdued an area stretching from the Pyrenees to the borders of China.

Booko found 8 book editions

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Nov, 2019

Jan, 1996

Used: $23.38
Apr, 2021
New: $36.73

Used: $34.82
Mar, 2021
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Jan, 2021
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Jun, 2002

Used: $64.37
United States May, 1980
New: $165.37

Used: $25.73
Jan, 1980

Used: $55.37

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