A Rule Against Murder

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #4

A brilliant, big, old-fashioned drawing-room mystery with a denouement worthy of Agatha Christie, from the international bestseller. It's the height of summer, and the Manoir Bellechasse is playing host to a reunion. The wealthy Finney family have gathered to pay tribute to their father. But as the temperature rises, so does the tension. Old secrets and bitter rivalries begin to simmer, and when the heat wave boils over into a mighty storm, a dead body is left in its wake. A guest at the Bellechasse, Chief Inspector Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec finds himself with a hotel full of suspects. Even the staff have something to hide. With the hotel locked down, Gamache knows the murderer is trapped. But a cornered predator is always the most dangerous of all...

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