Fool Moon

The Dresden Files #2

Professional wizard and supernatural investigator Harry Dresden searches Chicago for a werewolf stalking the city after the police find unusual paw prints beside a brutally mutilated corpse during a full moon.

Booko found 71 book editions

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Jul, 2016

Aug, 2015
New: $118.01

Apr, 2014

Apr, 2014
New: $106.57

Apr, 2014
New: $49.67

Used: $65.66
May, 2011
New: $21.60

Used: $13.59
May, 2011
New: $21.60

Mar, 2010
New: $16.89

Mar, 2010
New: $12.99

Dec, 2008

Jul, 2008
New: $1,042.51

Used: $535.14
Jan, 2007

Used: $269.74
Sep, 2005

Used: $15.33
United States Jan, 2001
New: $22.85

Used: $16.07
Jan, 1000
New: $90.91

Used: $89.47

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