Blood Rites: Bk. 6

The Dresden Files #6

While going undercover on the set of an adult film to investigate the mysterious deaths of several actresses, Chicago wizard Harry Desden unexpectedly learns the shocking truth about his vampire friend Thomas. Original.

Booko found 8 book editions

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Aug, 2004

United Kingdom May, 2011
New: $21.60

Used: $17.83
Jul, 2010
New: $579.64

Used: $428.50
Apr, 2010
New: $471.04

Used: $70.19
Apr, 2010
New: $33.99

Mar, 2010
New: $11.99

Nov, 2005
New: $143.21

Used: $15.74
Aug, 2004
New: $22.79

Used: $16.33

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