Star Trek: Prime Directive

Star Trek Pocket Books

The world of Talin has been laid to waste and the USS Enterprise destroyed by a radioactive firestorm. The captain is banished from Starfleet and McCoy and Spock must return to Talin to find out how the tragedy occured and to discover the truth of Captain Kirk's final hours of command.

Part of the series Star Trek Pocket Books

Booko found 9 book editions

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Oct, 2000

Oct, 2000

Oct, 2000

Sep, 1990
New: $31.98

United Kingdom Jul, 2003

Used: $34.99
Sep, 1995

Jun, 1993
New: $61.91

Used: $16.86
Sep, 1991
New: $109.70

Used: $13.99
United States Jan, 1991
New: $83.36

Used: $29.46

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