Cheerfulness Breaks in

Barsetshire Series

It is 1939 and the peaceful Barsetshire village of the Brandons and their neighbours is due for dramatic change - a London school is to be evacuated to Barsetshire. The village rallies round to supply huge numbers of cockney children with rabbit stew and the local characters are seen in their true colours. There are problems of black-outs, staffing a military hospital, stretching food supplies and - with the arrival of some extraordinary refugees - attempting to keep peace in the rural heartland. Despite everything, life - and love - continue in their own sweet way...

Booko found 10 book editions

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Mar, 1998

Jan, 1941

Sep, 2008

Dec, 2002

Dec, 2002

Dec, 2002

Jan, 1999

Used: $32.29
Apr, 1996
New: $151.74

Used: $27.36
Jun, 1990
New: $225.46

Used: $22.43

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