
Unwind Series #2

Cam is a product of unwinding; made entirely out of the parts of other unwinds, he is a teen who does not technically exist. A futuristic Frankenstein, Cam struggles with a search for identity and meaning and wonders if a rewound being can have a soul. And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter cause Cam's fate to become inextricably bound with the fates of Connor, Risa, and Lev, he'll have to question humanity itself. (Publisher).

Booko found 8 book editions

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Apr, 2013

Apr, 2013

Apr, 2013
New: $31.89

Sep, 2012
New: $11.99

Oct, 2013
New: $27.63

Used: $19.51
United Kingdom Sep, 2012

Used: $16.01
Sep, 2012
New: $11.99

Aug, 2012
New: $37.68

Used: $19.43

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