Red Mist

Kay Scarpetta #19

As she investigates the murder of her former deputy chief, Kay Scarpetta finds links to a series of otherwise unrelated killings, and soon finds herself unraveling a global terror conspiracy. By the author of Port Mortuary.

Booko found 63 book editions

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Jun, 2021

Jun, 2015
New: $108.21

Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011

Used: $36.35

Nov, 2016
New: $78.35

Used: $41.34
Mar, 2013
New: $13.99

Dec, 2012

Used: $101.64
Sep, 2012
New: $22.90

Used: $14.43
Sep, 2012
New: $44.99

Used: $29.58
Jun, 2012

Used: $20.30
United Kingdom Apr, 2012
New: $21.60

Used: $11.98
Apr, 2012
New: $71.23

Used: $15.01
Apr, 2012
New: $41.00

Used: $20.73
Dec, 2011
New: $11.99

Dec, 2011
New: $42.05

Used: $19.46
Dec, 2011
New: $110.95

Used: $15.20
Dec, 2011
New: $126.82

Used: $92.93
Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011
New: $37.17

Used: $26.53
Dec, 2011
New: $72.84

Used: $39.88
Dec, 2011
New: $217.01

Used: $88.04
Dec, 2011
New: $48.51

Used: $19.55
Dec, 2011

United States Dec, 2011
New: $161.28

Used: $30.47
Nov, 2011
New: $11.99

Nov, 2011
New: $11.99

Nov, 2011
New: $15.89

Used: $17.99

Jan, 1900
New: $54.36

Used: $34.75

Feb, 2016

Oct, 2013

Nov, 2011

Used: $36.83
Mar, 2013
New: $50.10

Used: $23.26
Mar, 2013

Mar, 2012
New: $228.21

Used: $17.73
Mar, 2012

Used: $21.93

Jan, 2013
New: $144.21

Used: $30.74
Oct, 2012

Used: $16.94

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