Dreams Made Flesh

Black Jewels Trilogy #5

A collection of four original novellas continues the saga of The Black Jewels trilogy as they trace the origins of the mystical Jewels, chronicle a forbidden love affair between Lucivar and a simple hearth witch, explore a reality-altering clash, and follow Jaenelle's sacrifice of her magical gifts. Reprint.

Booko found 18 book editions

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Jan, 2012

Sep, 2006

Used: $35.47
Feb, 2006

Feb, 2006

Nov, 2010
New: $36.99

Nov, 2010

Sep, 2010
New: $13.99

Sep, 2010
New: $13.99

Feb, 2009
New: $26.87

Used: $19.55
Jul, 2006
New: $71.24

Used: $19.28
Feb, 2006
New: $21.69

Used: $14.62

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