Angel Death

Inspector Henry Tibbett Mystery #15

An Inspector Henry Tibbett Mystery-Who Done It? During a Sunny Caribbean holiday, the Tibbetts encounter an ominous turn when a shrewd old lady who has been stayig at their hotel tells them of her strange experience with a vanishing boat, then herself disappears mysteriously.. the beginning of a great mystery!

Booko found 17 book editions

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Oct, 2019
New: $29.98

Jan, 1980

Jan, 1980

Oct, 2019
New: $16.58

Oct, 2019
New: $42.99

Used: $22.02
Mar, 1989
New: $44.97

Used: $22.89
Dec, 1980
New: $139.10

Used: $31.35
New: $129.85

Used: $36.15

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