Who is Simon Warwick?

Inspector Henry Tibbett Mystery #14

A search for Simon, the heir to a substantial inheritance, results in two claimants as well as a number of disappointed people. When one of the claimants is murdered there is no lack of motive or opportunity. Was it the true or false Simon? It is a case for Chief Superintendent Henry Tibbett.

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Jul, 2019

Jan, 1978

Jul, 2019
New: $11.43

Jul, 2019
New: $25.61

Used: $20.53
Mar, 1989
New: $81.16

Used: $22.02
Apr, 1982
New: $170.47

Used: $16.99
Oct, 1978
New: $169.90

Used: $22.59

Used: $37.32

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