Tarzan and the Madman


Here is the most exciting and dangerous adventure of them all, in which Tarzan of the Apes is faced with some of his most baffling challenges ever! A beautiful white girl on safari is captured by a lost civilisation of semi-pagan tribesmen in inaccessible jungle, and worshipped as a prisoner goddess...

Two ruthless crooks from across the ocean, on a feverish hunt for a lost horde of gold in Tarzan's territory, plunder the innocent folk and creatures of the forest in their relentless search...

And a young man - strong, and bronzed and dressed in a loin-cloth - calls himself 'Tarzan', and causes chaos and confusion among all but the most faithful of the real jungle hero followers.

Booko found 10 book editions

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Oct, 2021

Apr, 2020

Feb, 2020

Jun, 1975

Mar, 2013
New: $4.99

May, 1991
New: $163.69

Used: $55.59
Nov, 1982
New: $215.87

Used: $26.49
May, 1975
New: $155.43

Used: $26.82
May, 1975

Used: $109.38
Jan, 1974
New: $176.13

Used: $40.06

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