

The best-selling Redwall books have captivated readers everywhere and received universal acclaim. The first book in the series Redwall was Brian Jacques' first novel, and was inspired by the desire to write the sort of book he himself enjoyed reading as a child. Brian Jacques has acquired a long list of awards for his Redwall series. However, an equally important testimony to his success and the appeal of his books is the thousands of letters he receives from children who have delighted in the magical world he creates.

Booko found 16 book editions

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Jan, 2005

Jan, 2005

Feb, 2001

United States Jan, 2000

Jan, 1999

Jan, 1999

Jul, 1998

Jul, 1998

Oct, 2014
New: $24.00

Used: $29.77
United Kingdom Jun, 2010
New: $12.99

United Kingdom Mar, 2007

Used: $17.82
Jan, 2005
New: $21.41

Used: $23.20
Jan, 2000

Used: $59.44
Jan, 2000
New: $20.01

Used: $12.35
Dec, 1998
New: $89.57

Used: $35.46
Jul, 1998

Used: $14.64

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