Heroes of the Frontier

A mother and her two young children embark on a journey through the Alaskan wilderness. At first their trip feels like a vacation: they see bears and bison, they eat hot dogs on a bonfire, they spend nights parked along icy cold rivers in dark forests. But as they drive, pushed north by the ubiquitous wildfires, they begin to feel chased by enemies both real and imagined, past mistakes pursuing the tiny family even to the very edge of civilization. A captivating and hilarious novel of family, loss, and the curse of a violent America, Heroes of the Frontier is a powerful examination of contemporary life and a rousing story of adventure.

Booko found 19 book editions

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Jun, 2017

Apr, 2017

Apr, 2017

Dec, 2016

Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016
New: $38.07

Used: $32.92

Jun, 2017

Apr, 2017

Aug, 2016

Aug, 2016
New: $35.32

Used: $14.85
Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016

Jul, 2016
New: $15.99

Jul, 2016
New: $124.43

Used: $69.32
Jul, 2016

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