Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth

Nightside #6

Private eye John Taylor is facing his most dangerous foe yet: his mother. She created the Nightside, and now she intends to obliterate it.The Nightside is the dark heart of London - a dark, shady place, full of dark, shady characters, a corrupt place, where both dreams and nightmares come true, where anything can be bought for the right price, and where it is forever 3 a.m. But to private detective John Taylor the Nightside is home, and he won't allow his home to be destroyed - even if he has to defeat his own mother to save it. He is the only person able to stop her from exterminating the Nightside, a place that she created, but he fears that, whatever action he takes, the Nightside - and the rest of the world - will be doomed.Nothing is ever simple.Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth is the sixth title in Simon R. Green's New York Times bestselling Nightside series.

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